As the dream started I was already in an argument with a group of friends, this one guy would not say anything. He refused to defend me. It was dark and the whole conversation took place by a lake. We heard a gun shot and began to run. We ran so far that we ended up running into a cruise ship. It was morning by then. But at some point in our scattering we all got separated. It was weird, on the cruise ship people were walking in slow motion, their faces looked distorted and they had crazy hair. Somebody began to chase me again, this time I ran through the halls, going all different ways I could to lose the person who was chasing me. I can't across this closet, I hid in there and it was so cold. I began to cry. The same guy from the lake who never even said anything to me emerges from the save place with fear. I was an it off it, hyperventilating. He came and hugged me. We made out for a couple of seconds until I heard the yells of my parents from the other side of the door. I was too afraid that it was the chaser so I ignored it. I said I'm sorry to the guy who was with me in the closet and then I ran to the most random bedroom I could find. Classical music was playing on an old record player, as I walked into the room. A show from the early 50s was playing on the TV and wind was blowing the window. I look out the window and realize I was no longer on the cruise ship, but on the street side. I could see cars, bike riders and kids playing outside. There on a bench, sits the group of people I ran to the ship with. The one guy looking back at me.
This dream seems to reflect feelings of vulnerability, fear, and a sense of being unsupported in some aspect of your life. The argument with your friends, particularly the guy who did not defend you, may indicate feelings of betrayal or lack of support from someone you trust. The gun shot and subsequent running away could symbolize a sense of danger or threat in your waking life that you are trying to escape from.
The cruise ship represents a journey or escape from reality, where things may seem surreal or distorted. People walking in slow motion with distorted faces and crazy hair could suggest feelings of disconnectedness or confusion in your waking life. The chasing figure may represent a fear or challenge that you are trying to evade, but ultimately confront in the closet.
Hiding in a cold closet and crying may indicate feelings of isolation, fear, or vulnerability. The guy who emerges and comforts you could symbolize a desire for support or reassurance during difficult times. The make-out session could represent a desire for intimacy or a need for emotional connection.
The appearance of your parents' yells and your subsequent fear could symbolize conflicting emotions or obligations in your waking life, perhaps related to family or authority figures. Running away to a random bedroom could indicate feelings of escapism or seeking refuge from overwhelming emotions or situations.
The shift from the cruise ship to the street side with everyday activities suggests a return to reality or normalcy. Seeing your friends on a bench may symbolize a sense of longing for connection or reconciliation with those from your past. The guy looking back at you could represent unresolved feelings or unfinished business with someone from your past.
Overall, this dream seems to reflect inner conflicts, feelings of vulnerability, and a desire for support and connection during challenging times in your waking life. It may be beneficial to reflect on these themes and consider how they may relate to your current experiences and emotions.